Coffee Grinding Types

Coffee Grinding Types

When choosing the right grind ratio, your goal is to bring out the perfect level of flavor from your coffee. As a result of under-grinding (coarse) coffee, there is little extraction, but when it is grinded too much (fine) extraction occurs more than necessary.
The result of under-extraction when your ground coffee is too thick is that it is not able to extract as much as it should from the ground coffee. When it is finely ground, too much extraction takes place and if you are going to make espresso, your grinding rate becomes much more important.
Certain grinding rates are more suitable for certain brewing methods.

Grinding Type Brewing Method
Extra thick :French Press
Bold :Perkolator, Cupping
Medium/Bold :Siphon, ColdBrew (Dripping)
Medium :Chemex, Aeropress (for 3+ min. brew time), V60
Medium/Fine: Aeropress (for 2-3 min. brewing time)
Fine: Espresso, Moka pot, Aeropress (for 1 min. brewing time)
Extra Fine: Turkish coffee

1. Extra Coarse Grind
It is similar to unground black pepper grains and is the coarsest you can grind in many popular conical burr mills and is preferred for the French press.
2. Coarse Grinding
It is similar to sea salt and is used in methods such as percolator.
3. Medium/Coarse Grinding
Neither coarse nor moderate grind rate similar to coarse grit.
4. Medium Grind
You can start brewing with this grinding rate, which is similar in thickness to normal sand, and experiment with different ratios.
5. Medium/Fine Grind
With this ratio, which is one level above the grinding amount required for espresso, you can easily brew pour-over methods.
6. Fine Grinding
It is one of the most common grinding types. The coffee is ground at this rate to brew espresso. It is slightly finer than table salt.
7. Extra Slim
It is the required grinding type for Turkish coffee, which is one of our favorite drinks and which is completely our own. It has a flour or powder-like structure.