The Relationship Between Coffee, Caffeine, and Sports

The Relationship Between Coffee, Caffeine, and Sports

Caffeine is the most active ingredient in coffee. So what does this caffeine in coffee do?
With the help of caffeine taken with coffee or other methods, the endurance of the muscles increases. Of course, this is not the only benefit. For example, think of students who constantly drink coffee during finals week. They drink coffee in order to be able to focus and sleep longer.
Thanks to the caffeine in coffee, it provides these benefits. Of course, in the coffee-caffeine relationship, the easiest and simplest way to get caffeine into the body is to drink coffee.
According to studies, 2-3 mg/kg caffeine intake is sufficient for the body. The general opinion about the amount of coffee that should be drunk to achieve this rate is to drink 2 cups of filter coffee. With 2 cups of filter coffee, a person can meet his daily needs or his needs related to sports.
As the concentration of caffeine, the most active ingredient in coffee, reaches its highest point within 1 hour, drinking 2 cups of filter coffee approximately 1 hour before sports will increase your endurance in sports.