What Is Shb In Coffee?

What Is Shb In Coffee?

Wondering what SHB or SHG means in coffee?
SHB (Strictly Hard Bean) OR SHG (Strictly High Grown)
When you see these terms, you can tell that coffee is grown at high altitude, at altitudes of 1,200 meters or more above sea level.
The coffee tree does not like extreme heat or cold. For this reason, most coffee is grown in the region between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer, where temperatures remain more stable throughout the year. Higher altitudes mean cooler air and more precipitation, especially at night. Because coffee is exposed to colder temperatures, it takes longer to mature, bloom and produce fruit. This longer ripening time allows more time for the coffee beans to develop and strengthen their flavor. The beans absorb more of the aromas around them. And differentiated beans with their rich aromas invite you to their magnificent journey.
If you ask where you can find it, SchillerCountriesCosta-rica San Rafael Tarrazu SHB should not be a bad idea to share such a different experience with yourself and your closest friends…