What is a Moka Pot?  Tips for Making Coffee with Moka Pot

What is a Moka Pot? Tips for Making Coffee with Moka Pot

For those who see coffee as more than a standard beverage, making espresso at home is a complex affair. Moka pot can answer this need, albeit partially. What is a moka pot? How to use?
If you are wondering how to make coffee with this equipment, welcome to our blog…
In order to introduce the moka pot, we can make the simplest recipe as follows;

What a teapot and teapot are for tea, a moka pot is exactly what it is to make a coffee-like beverage at home. When using a moka pot, you can increase your experience by imagining it as having tea in it.
Of course, there are differences between espresso and moka pot;

Since it performs the cooking process with 1.5-2 bar pressure, unlike the average 9 bar pressure used by espresso machines, the coffee it cooks is not considered real espresso. It offers different flavors compared to espresso. Although it is not as dense and strong, it is denser than filter coffee.
The ideal grinding value of coffee is between espresso and french press. But your choice is more important. If the coffee is very strong, it should be thicker, if it is poor in aroma and watery, it should be taken thinner.
In order to brew coffee with the Moka pot, we first add water to the lower part and ground coffee to the middle chamber.

Then we put our moka pot on the stove, just like a coffee pot and we start boiling it on low heat. We can also increase the temperature after 1-2 minutes.
The water that heats up and evaporates in the lower part passes through the coffee in the middle chamber and collects in the upper part, and when it reaches an average of 60 cl, your fresh and delicious coffee is ready.
You can also get an Americano style drink by adding hot water to the espresso you brew with the Moka pot.
Recommendations to Personalize the Coffee According to Your Taste in Moka Pot Use
In coffee made with a moka pot, the coffee has a rather bitter and dark taste compared to espresso machines, since it stays on the fire for a long time and the passage of water takes a long time. While the coffee is ready in an average of 15-30 seconds in the espresso machine, this time varies between 1 minute and 5 minutes in the moka pot.
If you want your coffee to have a lighter and softer taste, you should definitely put hot water in the lower chamber.
What Thickness Should We Put Coffee in Moka Pot?

We can answer this as follows; You should not put very fine, powdered sugar-like coffee. Because that will clog the filters.

We recommend that you do not add fine ground coffee for machines. If you brew with finely ground coffee, the passage of water will be quite difficult. If there is 100 ml of water in the lower chamber, only 50 ml of it will pass, the rest cannot. For it to pass, you need to boil it on the stove for minutes, in which case the coffee will burn completely. If there is too much water left in the lower chamber after brewing, know that you are using too fine coffee.
It is ideal to draw coffee at a medium thickness. For strong coffee, finer shot and fire contact should be long-lasting. For soft coffee, you can cook for a shorter time by using a thicker shot and hot water. You can even go on different flavor journeys by experimenting according to your instant taste.
Enjoy your meal…
#stay with coffee