What is Obesity?

What is Obesity?

Obesity is one of the most important health problems of developed and developing countries today. In general, obesity is the excessive increase in the ratio of body fat to lean mass, resulting in an increase in body weight relative to height above the desired level. In the treatment of obesity, medical nutrition therapy and lifestyle changes are the main steps of the treatment.
According to the research conducted by the University of Nottingdam in England; A new mechanism for how caffeine works against obesity has been revealed. Caffeine has long been known to be an appetite suppressant and has been observed to effectively accelerate the body's fat metabolism.
Scans of coffee drinkers showed increased activity on brown fats, which help burn fat and sugar. Accordingly, a cup of coffee a day activates the body to lose weight.
In addition, in randomized placebo-controlled studies, it was determined that the consumption of 524 mg of coffee per day decreased weight and fat mass and increased the feeling of satiety compared to those who consumed 151 mg or less.
Men aged 20 to 44 who drink two or three cups of coffee a day have 1.3 percent less total body and abdominal fat than nondrinkers, while women aged 20 to 44 who drink two or three cups of coffee a day have total body and abdominal fat It has been observed that the fat ratio in the region is 3.4 percent less than those who do not drink.
In recent years, it is predicted that determining the factors that will support obesity treatment can increase the success of obesity treatment. Coffee is one of these supporting factors due to its high phenolic component and caffeine content. Coffee is a beverage with a high caffeine content, rich in antioxidant components, especially caffeic acid and quinic acid, which are chlorogenic acid esters. With the contribution of this composition, it has positive effects on health.
Stay healthy, #staywithcoffee