Jasmin Tea Open Brew Inner Pack of 10

Open, Brew, Indoor Herbal Teas

Jasmin Tea Open Brew Inner Pack of 10
Jasmine, lemon balm and green tea
Benefits: Jasmine tea contains high levels of antioxidants. In addition, it strengthens the body's immune system.
It inhibits the reproduction of malignant cancer cells. It is very effective in improving cardiovascular health. Jasmine tea calms your nerves with its scent and reduces your tension.
It keeps cholesterol in balance and is good for cardiovascular diseases.
Jasmine tea, which also contributes to beauty, delays the signs of aging. It is perfect for preventing diabetes.
Thanks to its antiviral and antibacterial properties, it is used in the treatment of flu and colds.
It accelerates metabolism. Therefore, it helps to lose weight.
Brewing Time: 3 Minutes
Our products are approved by the Ministry of Agriculture.
1 piece is between 4-5 gr.
There are 10 pieces in the box.